
Deliver me from this nightmare

Deliver me from this nightmare

Horror and terror have been important literary devices for eons.The idea of something different and scary,something that entices fear is what makes conflicts interesting, readable;what differentiates history from literature is in many ways,the idea of fear. One cannot underestimate the power of fear in literature,the create conflict,the protagonist must in some way be afraid of the antagonist.However,very few authors can effectively extend the idea of fear to a broader concept,to Terror,or Horror,to make the readers nightmares comes alive.The idea of inescapable fear is one that is enticing to any author;nothing can impact a reader in the same way as something that will scare them can.Yet,so few authors can do it effectively,very few authors can show terror in a general,universal way.In the past 200 years,three authors in particular have shown the ability to make fear specifically a nightmarish fear a true literary device:the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Howard Phillips and naturally Edgar Allan Poe.

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