Alaska Brushes No. 1 **coming soon**
Aaska Brushes No. 2 **coming soon**
Glacial Artplay Palette
Glacial Artsy Transfers
Summer WordART Mix #1
Outdoors WordART 2
Autumn Romance Button:
Urban Threadz #10
Photoshop Elements 14
My photo was taken from the car and had a lot of shake, so this layout consists of several copies of the photo on different blending modes to disguise the rough photography while still giving the sense of being on the open road. I blended the images individually into the paper (Artsy Paper #2 duplicated, on screen blending mode at reduced opacity), so I could selectively manipulate color. Once I liked what I had, I added the word art and then stamped on a variety of brushes from the sets. I used them primarily in white as edge treatments on the top and sides and also, in yellow, to frame my photo at the bottom. For a little more texture, I added layers from several Artsy Transfers and then finished up with the button and Threadz.