

The Perfect Tree

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Joyeux (paper, button, label words, transfers, paint overlay, artstroke) Artplay Palette Joyeux
MultiMedia Holiday 4 MultiMedia Holiday 4
Holiday WordART Mix 7 Holiday WordART Mix 7
Watercolor Trees 2 Watercolor Trees 2[/url[
Artplay Palette Frozen (stars) [url= https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Frozen-SKU10011770.html] Artplay Palette Frozen

Artplay Palette Across the Miles (splatter) Artplay Palette Across the Miles
Paper Textures 5 Paper Textures 5
Chevron Textures 1 Chevron Textures 1
FotoGlows 5 FotoGlows 5
Evanescent FotoBlendz 5 Evanescent FotoBlendz 5

Solid paper 3 from the new APP Joyeux was used as the foundation of the page. The photo was clipped to a mask from Evanescent FotoBlendz and adjusted to fit the photo by painting with a soft brush in areas that were not covered to extend the image. A transfer from the kit was added. A new layer was added above and clipped to the Watercolor Trees 2 brushes. Using a textured brush color the layer was painted with 3 different tones of green. Paper textures were added with the blending mode changed to multiply and the opacity slightly reduced. Elements, stains, splatters from different MM Holiday 4 psd. Files were used to add more depth to the page. Word art, foto glows, art strokes and dimensional embellishments were added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking!
wonderful photo and great composition. love the x-mas tree brushes.

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Anna Aspnes
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