

Photo Help Please

  • Media owner petey111
  • Date added
I was half photograph, half personal attendant at the wedding I went to last weekend. The professional photographer was very inexpensive, good but didn't get everything. So I took some for the bride.

I need a little help with a few photos. If anyone has any suggestions, could you either post it or PM me? Thanks!
One way
for the yellow try Enhance>Adjust Color> Hue & Saturation>edit (drop down) choose yellow> drop your saturation and play with the lightness.
Oooh yeah, I was going to say just the same thing as estir_bune about the yellow.

For the shine on the face, I would do a brush using the same color as the nearest "un-shiney" part of the face, maybe at 40% opacity? Then just slowly go over it, to reduce the shine. I just had to deal with shine issues on the engagement pics I took of SIL and her fiancee - he has a bald head so I had a lot of shine!
Excellent! I've never paid attention to that drop down menu before! The bride is no longer yellow. Thanks girls!
OMG Tali!!! That opacity thing is awesome! =) I've never tried that with a brush before. What a great tool to take out blemishes. I've cloned, but sometimes that just doesn't look right. This looked perfect!!
this tutorial was made for the bottom photo:
That tutorial certainly helped brighten up their faces. I wish I had noticed the bright glare on his head though, it's like a big white streak. I don't think there's much that can be done about it. =) Their faces are much brighter though.

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