

It's All Right Here

Journaling: Empty kind of nothing photos of nondescript streets have always fascinated me. The street could be located anywhere in the country. Anywhere. Photos with no real focus, the absence of life kind of photos. They reek of loneliness. But there are buildings that people enter, a street that is traveled, telephone poles used to communicate. Maybe one lone car is pictured. When I view old photographs like that I wonder what happened to the people. Where are they and what were they doing at the time the photo was taken. Many times the town isnt even identified but they look dusty . . . parched, abandoned. Each street has many stories to tell of love, laughter and tragedy, its all right here, just invisible to the eye.

ArtPlay Palette FlockArtPlayPaletteFlock
Artsy Layered Template No. 259ArtsyLayeredTemplateNo.259
Gather WordART Mix No. 2GatherWordARTMixNo.2
MultiMedia Birds No. 2 (Glow)MultiMediaBirdsNo.2
TapedTextures No. 7TapedTextuesNo.7
PaperTextures No. 2 (Retired)
ArtPlay Palette Ablaze (Staple)ArtPlayPaletteAblaze
Photo: Mine
Font: Becky

Notes: Opening the template and turning off all the layers except the photo masks I first placed the large color version of the photo and using the Gradient Tool with a layer mask I faded out what I didnt want. With an AnnaBlendz brush, I brought the tree branches back out at the top of the page using the same layer mask. Bringing in solid paper 1 for the background, I blended the photo to Color Burn.

Next I clipped the black and white version of the same photo to the 4 masks and placed the glow in the top corner of the upper left photo. I used the staple from Ablaze to tack them down. I placed the title and used Blend Ifs to bring out the background texture.

I used the template art strokes, splatters, textures and stains, recoloring and blending the latter. I didnt use any of the transfers. I did use a paper texture at the left edge of the page and a tape at the bottom right side of the page.

Bringing in the leaves from the kit, I blended those to Color Burn. Word art is placed over the rusty leaf on the left edge and blended and the other leaf is under the journaling. That finished this page.
Compelling journaling and photos. Wonderful work with the background photo. It has just the right eerie/mysterious feel to it.
The prologue to a movie! Very thought-provoking AND a beautiful page. Gorgeous photo treatment and blending.
Love the journaling- makes one curious-what goes on in these quiet neighborhoods. Intriguing! Love the rather mysteriousness the color choices give to the page.
A sense of mystery to your amazing page! Love the wonderful journalling and your beautiful imagination!
Love the great background with the black and white photos, looks beautiful, gorgeous!!
journaling is very thought provoking! One does wonder when one looks at old photos! gorgeous page!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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