

Gather These Moments

Journaling: Nothing like spending a fun girls weekend with the three ladies I love the most in this world, Jackie, Autumn and Sophia on parents weekend at Autumns college campus. I was so happy when Autumn invited me to visit with her Mom and sister, I so wanted to share this experience with them. I saw her dorm and met her room mate and walked around the beautiful campus as she showed us around. It rained the whole time, but none of us cared, we were together. These moments in time are priceless.

ArtsyTransfers EvanescentArtsyTransfersEvanescent
ArtPlay Palette EvanescentArtPlayPaletteEvanescent
Evanescent FotoBlendz No. 1EvanescentFotoBlendzNo.1
Artsy Layered Template No. 257ArtsyLayeredTemplateNo.257
Moments WordART Mix No. 1MomentsWordARTMixNo.1
Dripped WaterColor No. 1DrippedWaterColorNo.1
MultiMedia Rain No. 1MultiMediaRainNo.1
WarmGlows No. 7WarmGlowsNo.7
Photos: Mine
Font: Toms Handwritten New

Notes: After opening the artsy template, I turned off all the layers and brought in the background photo, resizing to fit the page. I chose solid paper 1 from the palette and blended the photo to Color Burn, revealing the wonderful paper texture through the photo.

Placing the fotoblendz on the page I clipped the second photo to it after making it black and white. With a layer mask attached to the fotoblendz and using AnnaBlendz brushes, I blended away parts of the photo I didnt want. I left the mask on Normal blend mode.

Then using most of the stains, textures and art strokes on the template, repositioning, recoloring some and changing the blend modes of others. These were used under the black and white photo and others dusted over the whole page.

Bringing in the artsy transfer and putting it at the lower right side and slightly repositioning some pieces to add interest and more texture and to balance the leaf transfer from the template in the upper left corner. Over the transfer I placed the dimensional pieces, duplicating the leaf.

Adding the title and journaling, giving the title a little bevel and emboss, and bringing in more word art. I added a 3 px stroke around the page just above the full page photo in the layers panel and a glow above the black and white photo and blending to Overlay and turning down the fill opacity. The dripped stain was added underneath the title and journaling and the MM Rain was added over these layers. That finished the page.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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