

Momentary Occasions

Maxwell would never let me put a hat on him, he hardly tolerated the identification collar I put on his neck, but I can certainly put a hat on him in a layout. He cant take that off.

ArtsyHalloween No. 1ArtsyHalloweenNo.1
ArtPlay Palette EvanescentArtPlayPaletteEvanescent
FotoBlendz Evanescent No. 1EvanescentFotoBlendzNo.1
ArtsyStains No. 5ArtsyStainsNo.5
PaperTextures No. 5PaperTexturesNo.5
SpackledLeaves No. 1SpackledLeavesNo.1
Moments WordART Mix No. 1MomentsWordARTMixNo.1
ArtPlay MiniPalette Cider (Leaves)ArtPlayMiniPaletteCider
MultiMedia Pumpkins No. 3MultiMediaPumpkinsNo.3
ButtonThreadz No. 3ButtonThreadzNo.3
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 2SkinnyLinedOverlaysNo.2[/url[
ArtPlay Palette Vintage Halloween (Pumpkin Charm)[url=https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Vintage-Halloween.html]ArtPlayPaletteVintageHalloween

Photo: Mine

Notes: After opening a new file, I brought in the photo of Maxwell and a FotoBlendz and clipped the photo, resizing both to fit the way I wanted. Over Maxwell I brought in the hat from MM Artsy Halloween and resized to fit his head. I used all the layers of the psd MM. For the background, I brought in solid paper 4.

Underneath the photo I drew out a rectangle with the Shape Tool and clipped a artsy paper to it, framing Maxwell. I manipulated the paper until I like what I saw. I added a drop shadow to the rectangle. Then underneath the shape I brought in another Evanescent FotoBlendz and clipped the same artsy paper to it, also manipulating until I liked what I saw. There was no blending done on any of these layer.

Sandwiched between these layers are the MM ghost, paper texture on the right of the photo, word art, stains, splatter overlay from Evanescent and just above the background is the skinny lines.

Over the photo in the layers panel are the leaves from Cider, pumpkin charm from APP Vintage Halloween along with the ButtonThreadz. At the bottom of the page I added the MM Pumpkins, grouping and resizing, then adding the speckled leaves behind them. That finished this page of Maxwell ready to go trick or treating for some catnip.
He makes the purrfect Halloween kitty! Love this photo and your placement of the elements! Beautiful!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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