I used all aA products.
I find it so remarkable that when creating digital art, the journey is often the most intriguing part of your creation. For this page,I started with trying to create a sketch, the kind I had in mind was very basic.I found a nice tutorial by Steve Patterson,then set the project aside to contact Adobe about questions with the latest version of Photoshop CC. After doing some insignificant household chores,I returned to the "idea" that I had about sketches. I meandered into fonts, which is another planet altogether, then again worked on the "sketch" page. Sometimes for me, when things don't firm up quickly,I should just delete and start again. I did not choose that path, nonetheless,I went shopping in Anna's store after viewing some things in the gallery that I thought I did not have and "needed". Then I set it all aside, made potato soup and did some walking. Again,I returned to the page that had pretty much occupied my thoughts all day. This is what ensued..... thanks for looking and thanks for reading about my journey!! Tomorrow is another journey!!