

Johnson the White Mule

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
This is a composite of two photosthe view from Johnson's back and a part of the trail leading into the Fairyland Castle trail at Bryce National Park in Utah. Both photos were fine but I wanted them to convey something a little more magical--from my first look at Johnson, when we went eyeball to eyeball and the wranglers said no, not him, and I said yes, him, I knew I had found my spirit animal for this adventure. This cowgirl-to-mule connection made our trek together technicolor. So this is a little celebration of Johnson, who safely picked our path along the switchbacks--a journey I will never forget!

Evanescent Artsy Transfers **new and coming today**
Evanescent Artplay Palette https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Evanescent.html
Evanescent Fotoblendz https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Evanescent-FotoBlendz-No.-1.html
Moments WordART mix 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Moments-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html
Southwestern brushes https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Southwestern-No.-1.html
Take Flight 2 Brushes https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Take-Flight-No.-2.html
Taped Textures No. 7 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/TapedTextures-No.-7.html
Bouquet: Weed: Moorlands Artplay Palette https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Moorlands.html , leaves Pumpkin Patch Artplay Palette https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Pumpkin-Patch.html

Notes in Photoshop Elements 14

I started with an Artsy Paper, moved the large photo of the hoodos onto it, blended it on multiply, then duplicated the photo several times, changing the blending modes. I added two Artsy Transfers in strategic placeson the top and the left side.

I've discovered that you can run your whole layer stack through the quick edit on Photoshop Elements to get fun various effects. I did that, using Toy Camera.

I then added the photo of Johnson's head, superimposing him upon the first photo, duplicating him several times on a lot of lightening blending modes at varying opacities.

The next step was flattening all the layers and moving that flattened image onto a Fotoblendz on a new canvas, just to give the edges definition (and to give me some place to journal). I added a second Fotoblendz from the set to the side, then duplicated the image and clipped the image to that, just for additional width. I added a third Artsy Transfer, the Taped Textures, the Southwest brushes, the birds, and the little bouquet around where the saddlehorn would be and was done.
Love the perspective--and your wonderful inspiration for the LO. Johnson and you--a perfect connection!
Beautiful! Superb use of compositing. Love how the hoodoos and deep blue sky add color.
This is awesome. I love the view from Johnson's back as well as the beautiful scenery of Bryce Canyon. Mixed with your exceptional artistry is compelling!! Love this.
Congratulations! Your layout is featured on today's Gallery Standouts Blog!
Fabulous story and page! love the color and the emphasis on Johnson in the center. Did you know that it was George Washington that "invented" mules? A little tidbit I picked up in the 1400-page tome of Chernow's Washington biography ;-)

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Anna Aspnes
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