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ArtPlay Palette Evanescent https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Evanescent.html
Evanescent FotoBlendz No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Evanescent-FotoBlendz-No.-1.html
MultiMedia Pumpkins No. 3 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Pumpkins-No.-3.html
Moments WordART Mix No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Moments-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html
All Anna Aspnes

I made the photo sepia colored.
In a new document I clipped the photo to a Evanescent FotoBlendz. I made a frame from square and stroked it with 25 white pixels. With a layermask i blended a part of the frame. I gave it some styles. I placed the background paper. I added all the brushes and transfers. (Under and over the photo) I recolored some brushes also from the photoblendz layers. I placed the elements and the WordArt.
I merged the layers and did some sharpening and Dodge and Burn work. I made a new layer and made a square of 5 green pixels. I blurred it and reduced the opacity, for a light glow on the edges.
Great photo treatment and colors, I love, like Miki, the soft monochromatic palette, a great page!!

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Anna Aspnes
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