

Amidst Autumn

Now by the brook the Maple leans
With all his glory spread,
And all the Sumachs on the hills,
Have turned their green to red.

William Wilfred Campbell

ArtPlay Palette AmidstArtPlayPaletteAmidst
Autumn WordART Mix No. 3ArutumnWordARTMixNo.3
PaintedLeaves No. 3PaiantedLeavesNo.3
Splatters No. 1SplattersNo.1
ArtsyStains No. 4ArtsyStainsNo.4
LightLeaks No. 3LightLeaksNo.3
ButtonThreadz No. 3ButtonThreadzNo.3
Stained Edge Overlays No. 2StainedEdgeOverlaysNo.2
Photo: Mine
Fonts: Impact and Toms Handwritten New

Notes: Solid paper 3 as the foundation, I drew out a rectangle with the shape tool and clipped the photo to it. Over the photo I typed out the word autumn with the font Impact and clipped a black and white copy of the original photo to it. Using the transform tool, I stretched out the font top and bottom until I liked the look. I blended the font layer to Linear Burn and left the rectangle on Normal. Positioning the wire word art and giving it a tiny shadow, I created a text box next to it and I typed out the quote.

Between the rectangle photo and font/photo layers, I brought in a couple of transfers from the kit and put the right transfer on Color Burn and the left transfer under the font on Normal, then brought in another little transfer over the font/photo layer, also on Normal blend mode. I added the art stroke overlays from the kit.

After loading the new painted leaves brushes, I stacked several under the photo layer and some above the photo, using different colors from the photo and running down the page. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how these beautiful brushes interact with each other. With the exception of one, all are on Normal blend mode. They are just gorgeous! Artsy stains and several splatters were added throughout the page as well as more word art and the light leaks over the photo, blended to Color Burn to give it some punch.

The dimensional elements, the twig, leaf and button thread were added to the page. I clipped stain and splatter layers to the leaf. I placed the stained edge overlay just above the background paper in the layers panel, recolored it to a yellow from the photo and put it on Color Burn. I also added a stroke outline to the word autumn via the fx panel and put the stroke on Overlay blend mode. Finally, zooming in close to the page, I checked it over to make sure no brush layers were over the dimensional layers that shouldnt be, moving them in the layers panel if needed. That completed this page.
Such an awesome Autumn page, the big text looks so great, Love the blending and composition!!
Such a great font choice for the word Autumn. I think it fits the page so well!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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