
Apocalyptic Sunset

Apocalyptic Sunset

Journaling: It seems like forever weve had smoke and falling ash in the valley from all the wild fires burning in this country and Canada. They dont fight those fires, they just watch and let them burn. The light is other worldly and the sun looks like an orange burning ball in the sky. Our lungs want fresh, clean air to breath. I always think of the animals in the burning areas and what a horrifying nightmare they are going through, but we go about our business, wanting relief from the sometimes thick smoke. One tourist thought it was fog. Okay . . . fog must be different where he comes from.
Sitting in my car, stopped at the light going home, the sun was setting behind the mountains and the light took on something eerie and all seemed so quiet. Whipping out my phone, I snapped the photo with the sun reflected on the hood of my car, like it was pinning me down.
We thought we made it through the summer unscathed this year, but its not to be. A heavy rain would be nice right now.

ArtsyPaint No. 12ArtsyPaintNo.12
TapedTextures No. 8TapedTexturesNo.8
Splatters No. 1SplattersNo.1
ArtsyStains No. 4ArtsyStainsNo.4
MiniDots No. 1MiniDotsNo.1
TapedTextures No. 1TapedTexturesNo.1
Moments WordART No. 1MomentsWordARTNo.1
Clouds No. 3CloudsNo.3
UrbanThreadz No. 6UrbanThreadzNo.6
ArtPlay Palette QuaintvilleArtPlayPaletteQuaintville
ArtPlay Palette Whizzo (Scribble Brush)ArtPlayPaletteWhizzo
ArtPlay Palette Florence (Gasp Label)ArtPlayPaletteFlorence
Fonts: CK Military Stencil and AuraBlue
Photo: Mine

Process Notes: Opening the photo in a new 12 x 12 file and covering it with a reverse layer mask, I brought it back out with the new artsy paint and stains. I intentionally made it look dirty. I decided on artsy paper 1 from Quaintville for the foundation because it matched the colors of the photo. I blended the photo to Multiply which brought out some of the texture in the background paper.

I titled the page and brought in the journaling, knowing I would probably play around with placement. These are above the photo in the layers panel. I used the Blend Ifs and Color Burn blend mode on the title.

Taking the color of the sun in the photo, I stamped an artsy stain brush over it and blended to Color Burn, which made it look more like the true scene. Underneath the photo in the layers panel, I ran an artsy stain down from it and tucked in the word art on the left, recoloring it to a creamy white. Then taking a light color from the photo, I stamped the MiniDots running down to the right.

More splatters were added in black and a shade of red directly above the photo as well as a tape on the left side. Above the title on the right side of the photo, I placed another tape. I added more stains and splatters running over the journaling. In the sky running from the right of the sun, I added the cloud stamp, recoloring to a pink, to show the color in the smoke at sunset.

Adding the word label from Florence, I grunged it up a bit with a stain brush and added a small drop shadow. The threads finished the page.
The grunge really emphasizes the fire!! We had smoke from the Canadian fires change the color of our sky here on Monday and Tuesday! Really weird looking!
Gosh, this is wonderful. I love when the words are reinforced visually. That light is terrific. And the scrawly, sort of frantic, feel has me thinking of the animals. "Pinning me down..." I can feel it in my chest, well said.
Love how the red car offsets the red sun. Our sunrise was an orange ball this morning, which I noted meant there was less smoke than before when it was red. I saw a satellite photo of the smoke and it was a big deal.
WOW this is stunning - read your journaling and the effect of the fires is something - I hope you get your rain soon - isn't it awesome to have cameras so handy for taking the photo!
Congratulations!! Your layout has been featured on today's Gallery Standout Blog :)
Geez, Barbara, I wish I could take a deep breath for you. So many disasters happening all around us. My prayers for all who suffer
I started with your journaling and the studied the image. Wow! Your words really give impact to the image. Well done!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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