


  • Media owner musicmom3
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Artsy Layered Template #17 (retired, but any aA template with strong shapes would work for this look)
Autumn Rust Artplay Palette https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Autumn-Rust.html
Asian Script Brushes No. 2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/AsianScript-No.-2.html
Image: Untitled (Woman with Closed Eyes), Man Ray, Paris c.1928

A page documenting what happened in Charlottesville, VA, this past weekend.

Notes in Photoshop Elements 14

I started with a concept of segmentation and segregation, shaken to the core by recent events. I selected a template with strong shapes to express my fragmented feelings. I dragged the photo (and duplicates) into the template, blending in some areas, clipping to masks in others, flipping, duplicating, resizing, and using different bending modes. I likewise used papers from the Paperie to clip to the remaining masks and to blend over and under the images as a background. I embellished with the Asian Script brushes, which I used as a graphic sort of artstroke, and a few other brushes (in red) from various Artplay Palettes.
Outstanding artwork and statement! The current political atmosphere is so stressful and puts one on edge all the time. Violence can not be condoned or accepted!
Your heart felt emotion shows through this very graphic and dramatic page. This should be shown around the world as many of us feel this pain. Thank you. A true value worthy layout.
g r e a t - g r e a t - g r e a t page.
reminds me of the quote of martin niemller in pictures:
then they came for the communists, i did no speak out - because i was not a commnist.....
when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

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Anna Aspnes
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