
Dance! ... like no one is watching

Dance! ... like no one is watching

Nigel moves from elementary to middle school this year!! To celebrate that transition there's a camping trip at the end of the fifth grade school year. It seems to be a common thing. I'm sure many of you have gone through the same thing. I got to chaperone. I spent four days with these kids and I can't tell you how impressed I was with them. You hear a lot about bullying etc... What I saw was the exact opposite of that!! I have to say that I've never been in such an atmosphere of absolute acceptance. Even when they were competing, they were supporting each other unconditionally. It actually brought me to tears more than a few times.
So these are pictures of the dance on the last day of camp. Now, dances can be awkward. When you put yourself out there artistically... When you're moving your body as a prepubescent, it's a bit awkward. Not here!! In this atmosphere of openness and acceptance these kids were killin' it!!.

I used Anna's:
Artsy Template Multipak #2
APP Metrograffiti
Holliewood Street Cred Kit
Fabulous design, glad you saw much kindness from future adults. There is hope for the future.

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Anna Aspnes
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