
AnnaLift 6/10/17 - 6/16/17

AnnaLift 6/10/17 - 6/16/17

I am a little late to the game, but I so wanted to
lift this LO from Nia fabulous inspiration -
my external crashed this week and I have been in a tailspin as all of my supplies were on there and
not backed up :(
So in the midst of damage control this am,
I wanted to get this in a little late -
(reminder you guys are all probably
not as crazy as me, but back up, back up, backup -
happy scrapping ;)

AnnaLift 6/10/17 - 6/16/17 https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?p=552202&posted=1#post552202


AASPN: - APMini Opacus
AASPN: - APP - Sol
AASPN: - AP Mini Noble
AASPN: Adventure WA Mix 1
AASPN: Button Threadz 2
AASPN: Artsy Layered Template 58

TFL ;) RAchael
a big ouch! happened to me too, so i do backup, backup, backup now. hope your sanity returns soon.

love, love your design. it's poignant visual message about the journey ahead.
what a wonderful page to describe graduation and the future! I you are so right about backing up - it is a must!
Wonderful graduation photos and page!

I keep dual backups, and I know how awful this is for you, as I still lost everything once on two 2 terabyte drives and never did recover two years worth of photos. I back up all of Anna's stuff every two weeks, because that's how much work I'd be willing to put into reconstructing if there was a failure. My photos I back up as soon as I unload my SD or CF cards, and as soon as I finish my layouts. I go to new backup drives every two years when old ones are full, and also it's a good idea to move everything from drives that are five years old to brand new drives. It's work that pays off because it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN. Spoken from 48 years of experience.
I feel your pain, I have a 3 terabyte external drive and also back up to the cloud. I've had 2 external drives fail me in the past and I was devastated, so the cloud is my friend now also. Hope all is calm for you again, because I know what the loss feels like. I went into mourning for the precious photos of my granddaughters I lost. Wonderful graduation photos and page. Onward and upward!
You've captured the transition perfectly--love the emotion of this page. And you're so right about the backing up. I learned that the hard way. I keep everything on two external drives plus all my pages and photos on a drive in an out-of-the-house place, just in case. But thanks for the reminder...it's time for me to get another drive because the previous two are getting on in years. Definitely a lesson that takes only one crash to learn.

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