

Live in the Sun

ArtsyTransfers MeadowArtsyTransfersMeadow
ArtPlay Palette MeadowArtPlayPaletteMeadow
eA Summer No. 1eASummerNo.1
Summer WordART Mix No. 1SummerWordARTMisNo.1
MultiMedia Suns No. 3MultiMediaSunsNo.3
BikeLike No. 2BikeLikeNo.2
ArtsyPaint No. 10ArtsyPaintNo.10
UrbanThreadz Flowers No. 1UrbanThreadzFlowersNo.1
Photo: MorgueFile

Process Notes: Artsy paper 3 and the photo worked hand and hand together because of the tree line on the horizon of the photo making the two look like one image across the page. After I lined up the trees and using a reverse layer mask, I brought the image back in with a AnnaBlendz brush. I love using those brushes for blending. i blended the photo to Linear Burn to bring out the textures of the background paper. I duplicated the photo, clipping it to the first photo and blended to Screen to lighten the image and preserving the underlying textures.

The psd number 2 Meadow artsy transfer was opened and all the layers distributed over the photo except for one of the textures, which was put under the photo in the layers panel. A part of the transfer, the one situated below the photo was set to Linear Burn, again to bring out textures from the background paper and duplicated and set to Screen blend mode while clipped to the original transfer layer to preserve the textures.

Using a couple of different artsy paint brushes and a blue color from the sky and then a yellow color from the photo and using layers for each color, I stamped the brushes across the page and blended the blue to Overlay and the yellow to Color Burn.

Creating a round shape with the Ellipse tool and duplicating it, I colored one blue and the other yellow, turning the filled opacity way down and blended to Multiply to again bring out the underlying textures.

Placing the psd Suns 3 and changing the color a little bit with a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer then adding a yellow glow underneath it, leaving it on Normal blend mode. Over the sun I added the urban thread flower.

I tucked in some word art and used the ice cream cone eA summer brush from both Anna and Ella, recoloring each brush to a different shade of green and blending to Linear Burn and Overlay. They are like an Easter egg, only seeing them if looking closely at the layout. i added more word at the top left edge and for the title.

The bike was added over the transfer at the bottom of the page and that completed the page.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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