


Anna Aspnes :
solid paper : artplay palette Break away
artstroke : artplay palette Believe
Brushes : artplaypalette Adventure
Urban threadz framed N1

"You tell me you know two swearwords, two swearwords that I have already said ... As you have no right to tell me, you spell it to me: "P-U-T ... How do you write in? ". "It's the biggest swearword in the world, is not it?" ". And then "M-E-R-D".You know one else Yasmine said at school. : ""It looks like a word from the forest ... It looks a bit like ... feunar ... I know more ... You know you ?
- Yes.
- Tell me !
- No, you've heard me say two big words, I will not teach you a third! "

I had'nt translate the swearwords !!!
my French bad words also limit to these two!
wonderful page!
and one day you will laugh at it!
with teeth or without -- he is the cutest little boy both inside and out! What great photos and wonderful LOs you have of his life.
super page - love the photo - this will be a moment to love and laugh at in the future! love the big title!
Love the tongue stuck in the gap! They learn young. Great color contrast!
great photo. love the colours, the simplicity, the title work and the cute story.

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Anna Aspnes
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