

Paint A Picture

My daughter Jackie and I attended our first Sip and Paint, something weve wanted to do for a long time and had a blast. The sipping part helped a great deal with the painting part. Theres a high probability that well do it again. Its funny that I can drink wine and paint but cant do the same creating a digital layout.

ArtPlay Palette ArtsyArtPlayPaletteArtsy
MultiMedia Art No. 1MultiMediaArtNo.1
Artsy Template MultiPack No. 10ArtsyTemplateMultiPackNo.10
FotoInspired Double Template No. 65FotoInspiredDoubleTemplateNo.65
UrbanThreadz Flowers No. 1UrbanThreadzFlowersNo.1
ArtsyKardz Artsy MultiPackArtsyKardzArtsyMultiPack
StitchedbyAnna Black No. 1 (Retired)
DifferentStrokes No. 1 (Retired)
Different Strokes No. 5 (Retired)
DifferentStrokes No. 11DifferentStrokesNo.11
TapedTextures No. 2TapedTexturesNo.2
DrippedStains No. 6 (Retired)
Create WordART No. 1CreateWordARTNo.1
ArtPlay Palette Portiere (Splatter Brush)ArtPlayPalettePortiere
ArtsyTapes No. 1ArtsyTapesNo.1
Photos: Mine, Jackie and FB

Process Notes: Opening a 24 x 12 file I brought in the two templates and adding the solid paper to both sides as the background. As is usual with me, I turn off all artsy layers and leave the photo masks visible. I like to start with the bare bones and build from there when Im using templates.

After clipping all the photos to both pages, I began to build the left side then move to the right side page connecting them. Using many of the layers of the artsy template, I recolored all of the stains using colors from the palette and blended some mainly around the focal photo.

Bringing in transfers and overlays from the palette I placed those on both pages. I moved some of the art strokes of the artsy template to the left edge of the page to connect with the transfer. I added the title over the transfer. I used bits and pieces of the multimedia art on the left page.

I clipped the artsy kardz to the masks underneath the journaling on the right side page then used brushes from the palette as well as others listed above using colors from the palette over the whole spread over and under the photos. Sort of like slopping paint all over the place.

Placing a yellow brush, I used the dodge and burn tool to give it a rounded look, I duplicated it and gave each a drop shadow. Taping them down, I also used the dodge and burn tool to it to give the impression of it going around the brushes. I added the stitching and flower threads along with a brad to finish the layout.
What a fun mother-daughter evening! Love your paintings and how you've created a painter's palette with all the fun, bright painterly splats and drips on your layout!
super fun design that perfectly captures your super-fun artsy adventure! love the colors too.
A fun night painting and time with your daughter! Love the outcome!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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