Canola Fields - Wiltshire
AASPN_ArtsyTemplate Multipack_10 **Free with $15 purchase from aA Designs**
Product Name
APP_Vintage Summer
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Product Name
AASPN_SpackleTexturedNo 5
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AASPN Taped Textures No 1
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AASPN_ MultimediaLeaves 6 (fotoglow)
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AASPN_ Rise WordART Mix No 1
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MultiMedia Birds No 1
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AASPN_ButtonThreadz No 2
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Flower LoopDaLoops No. 1 ** Part of Spring ValuePack No 2**
Product Name
I chose which template to use and selected and clicked and dragged which layers I wanted onto my canvas.
Then I imported my image from Lightroom and dragged it onto the layers then used a Fotoblendz mask and clipped my image to it so it covered my page.
I moved and recoloured layers from various templates in the multipack until I was happy with the look. I duplicated my image and added a soft light blending mode. Then imported two other images and clipped them to frames.
I added some stitching and wordART and was done!