

The Gardener

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
Art stamp brush made from a section of a mixed media collage
Flower Brushes No. 1 **new!** http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Flowers-No.-1.html
Trs Bon Artplay Palette **new!** http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Tres-Bon.html
Urban Stitchez Leaves No. 3 **new!** http://www.oscraps.com/shop/UrbanStitchez-Leaves-No.-3.html
Brushes from aAAdvanced Brush Class for Photoshop Elements
Butterfly: Sky's The Limit Artplay Palette http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Sky-s-The-Limit.html
Gold Star: Christmas Magic Artplay Palette http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Christmas-Magic.html
Grass: Sea Life Artplay Palette http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Sea-Life.html
Urban Stitchez No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/UrbanStitchez-No.-1.html

Notes in Photoshop Elements 14
This art stamp was the first brush I made, thanks to Anna's new Brushes for Elements class. Quite a thrill. My intention with this layout was to practice using brushes (and not the pngs, which has been my habit), colorizing them, and creating a layout using my own brush.

To colorize my homemade brush, I took the easy way outI clipped something to it, the something being Artsy Paper #1 from the Tres Bon Artplay Palette. I moved the paper around until I liked where the colors and patterns fell. I added a layer mask to the paper to remove the color from the face and bird of my art stamp.

To ground me in my experimentations, I then added a background (solid paper #2 duplicated on Hard Light Blending mode, for a more optic white effect), and started stamping on a variety of brushes that were provided with the class (including the hello and dictionary snip watch). I used a lot of different colors though I must admit I do like the drama of plain black brushes.

Since this layout is about a garden, I wanted the lady surrounded by flowers. I stamped on all the flower stamps from the new set and practiced coloring them, using different blending modes and adjusting the angles and opacities. I stamped on so many brushes that I lost the effect of the lady's wand, but that was easily rectified by blending the star embellishment into the stamp on color burn mode.
Very creative! I love the clock on her head and the watch definition. The garden is so lush!

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Anna Aspnes
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