

She Needed To Be Seen

As some of you may know, I like to take photos of the heads in the window of a funky hat shop I pass while getting my morning coffee at work. They all have wonderful and very different attitudes. This is the icy cool blond. I love the refection in the window, and again, another reflection in her sunglasses. I thought it would be a good photo to use with Ellas awesome debut brushes, eA Vintage Cameras No. 1.

eA Vintage Camera No. 1eAvintageCamerasNo.1
ArtPlay MiniPallette GelidArtPlayMiniPaletteGelid
Artsy Transfers GelidArtsyTransfersMiniGelid
MultiLayered FotoBlendz No. 6MultiLayeredFotoBlendzNo.6
CoolGlows No. 1CoolGlowsNo.1
ArtsyStains No. 2ArtsyStainsNo.2
MagicSprinklez No. 6MagicSprinklezNo.6
GoldPaint No. 2GoldPaintNo.2
Dripped Stains No. 1 (Retired)
Photo: Mine
Font: Envelove Script

Process Notes: After opening a 12 x12 file, I brought in the photo and fotoblendz, using a technique Anna demonstrated in her Advanced Photoshop Brush class. Then trying out different papers from the kit, I chose Artsy Paper 2 as my foundation.

I loaded Ellas brushes and stamped one at the bottom right of the photo, another over the left side of the photo and both click words. I duplicated the camera on the left, recolored it to pink and moved it a little with the arrow keys to give the impression of a reflection in a double-paned window. I did the same thing with the title. I added a glow to the lens of the camera on the right.

Under the photo/mask layers, I put another fotoblendz peaking out at the right and clipped a paper from the kit to it and blended to Darker Color.

Adding several artsy transfers over and under the photo along with the magic sprinkle, glows and stains completed the layout.
This is terrifically composed--layers and layers and layers and a clear path through it all. Love the richness of this sort of work and the subtle prompts to move your eyes along to absorb everything makes it even better.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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