

Groundhog Day

My daughter took this photo of the orchard on Groundhog Day behind her house. Its this time of the winter we are tired of the lack of color, the nothingness. Personally, I love the down time of January and February, its when I capture the wind in my sails again, its when I am given the message seemingly out of the blue, of the theme of my year ahead. I always listen closely.

ArtPlay Palette AnaphoraArtPlayPaletteAnaphora
ArtPlay Palette HinterlandArtPlayPaletteHinterland
Repeat WordART Mix No. 1RepeatWordARTMixNo.1
Days2Month No. 2Days2MonthNo.2
Snowy FotoBlendz No. 3SnowyFotoBlendzNo.3
TapedTextures No. 6TapedTexturesNo.6
UrbanThreadz Flowers No. 1UrbanThreadzFlowersNo.1
12 x 12 Page FotoBlendz No. 4 (Retired) 12 x 12 Page FotoBlendz No. 7 is similar
Photo: Jackie Reed
Fonts: Spiff and Traveling Typewriter

Process Notes: After bringing in the photo, I chose a 12 x 12 fotoblendz and resized it to fit the photo, not the other way around. I did this by just pushing the mask up from the bottom until it touched the bottom of the photo. I tested out several papers for the foundation and solid paper 5 from Anaphora was the one I liked the best.

After experimenting, the blend modes I used are: the fotoblendz is Multiply, the first photo is Normal, and the copy is on Darken, all at 100% opacity.

Since its so darn difficult to photograph falling snow, I added the layers of snow from the Snowy FotoBlendz to give a more accurate picture of the day. I know it was snowing this hard in my neck of the woods.

Over the snow I added the month and days stamp and the brief message underneath as well as the title. I moved the title under the snow in the layers panel and adjusted with the Blend Ifs in the fx panel. It made it look obscured by the snow.

From there, I went hunting for transfers and liked the Hinterland transfers the best because they went with the color of the grasses in the photo. I used a layer mask to get rid of any harsh edges showing with an AnnaBlendz brush. They are the best! I also slipped in a tape at the top right edge of the photo, recoloring and using the Levels adjustment to bring it out more.

From there I added the twig, flower thread and button along with a scribble under the left transfer and word art mix.

According to the forecast, we have more snow coming. :-/
This is one of those times where I read what you wrote about the page and think it should be on the page. Beautiful.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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