

Crown and Goose

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
Artsy Layered Template #243 **coming tomorrow**
Anaphora Artplay Palette **coming tomorrow**

Antiquity WordART http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Antiquity-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html

Notes for Photoshop Elements 14
Sometimes I use a template just for the premade background of stains, paint, artstrokes, and textures, employing the frames as a speedy aid to locating my photo(s)that's what I did here. I turned off the visibility on the four frames and masks, but left the drop shadows visible to help me position my image.

I'd been having trouble documenting this imageit's not a very exciting photo, just a sign on a building of our favorite local in Camden, England, which was torn down to make room for high-priced condosbut the stained and smoky feel of the template (and the Artplay Palette) was perfect, giving me the readymade ethereal look I needed to help me tell the story.

After I had positioned the photo, I added the background (Artsy paper #4 over #1 on color burn mode) and blended in the photo using inverted masking. I then added the wordart and wrote the journaling. To finish up, I added the flower, bird, and ribbon, then used pretty much all the transfers and overlays, plus a few brushes, to enrich the background and to highlight certain areas on the layout.

As last steps I typed in some large words then clipped Solid Paper #3 to them so they'd fade into the background. Then, for extra dimension, I dragged in Solid Paper #5 as an overlay at the top of the stack, using the linear burn blending mode at 35% opacity.
Love it! The 'background' really draws me into the focal point of the photo. I tend to avoid using templates, but then when I do, I am pleasantly surprised at how well they work.....
Victoria and Rob used to live in Camden but I have no memory of the Goose so maybe it had already shut its doors, it's certainly true that Camden is full of colourful characters lol! You've captured the gritty feel of the area perfectly, I love the angle of the photograph!
Your story is so well told! A wonderful memory encapsulated. Great photo of the historic venue. I bet a lot of people hated to see it gone.
Wonderful angle to the photo and, as always, your journaling gives dimension to your art.
Beautiful blending techniques on the photo and paper layers! Thank you for explaining the process!
Love the stains and textures surrounding the photo--sounds like a wonderful place to spend the afternoon with these interesting people. Hopefully they were able to prevent the wrecking ball from destroying their gathering place.
Wonderful story and love the perspective of the photo! Love the textures! You go on some of the most interesting trips!

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Anna Aspnes
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