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Artsale Simplicity January 18
ArtPlay Palette Simplicity http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Simplicity.html
ArtPlay Solids Simplicity http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Solids-Simplicity.html
Foto N FrameBlendz No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Foto-N-FrameBlendz-No.-1.html
Simplicity WordTransfers No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Simplicity-WordTransfers-No.-1.html
TissueTextures No. 2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/TissueTextures-No.-2.html
All Anna Aspnes

I started by duplicating the photo. I made an extraction of the girls face. I made one photo Black and White.
In a new document I clipped the Black and White photo to a Foto N FrameBlendz No. 1. I placed the extraction that I made earlier above that layer. I started playing with the Blendmodes of both photolayers. The Black and White photo was set to Multiply and the colored extraction was set to Soft Light. I duplicated both layers for a stronger effect. I placed the backgroundpaper. I added all the brushes and transfers.(Under and over the photolayers and also set to different blendmodes.) I placed the textures, the lines, the elements (some also set to different Blendmodes). I extracted parts of some WordArts and placed them. I placed a colored Foto N FrameBlendz No. 1 above the backgroundpaper for some more grounding and light. I made the middle section of the background a bit lighter with a soft white brush.
I merged the layers and sharpened the page. I did some Dodge and Burn work! I placed a very light vignette on the corners.
What a creative page with all the steps you took! You really achieved a great piece of art!

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Anna Aspnes
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