

Oh Baby, It's Cold Outside

Journaling: After a relatively mild Fall, with temperatures in the high 40s and low 50s, we cry foul when it drops suddenly to the low 20s.There is no acclimating to such an extreme without a lot of whining.

It takes forever to get out of the house bundling with a warm pair of boots, heavy coat, hat, scarf, gloves, all the while not really wanting to leave a warm and cozy house at all. Of course we all know its coming, but hoping not too soon and certainly not suddenly. We want to ease into it.

Thats when I like to get the big pot out and make myself a batch of Cabbage Patch soup, one of my favorites. Lots of protein and fiber, nourishing to the soul as well as the body. And lets no forget a warm roll out of the oven to slater with butter.

I am so grateful I have Maxwell to greet me at the door when I come in from the freezing cold after work and have a hot bowl of soup to warm my tummy in my warm house.

Project Template Album No. 2ProjectTemplateAlbumNo.2
ArtPlay Palette GarlandArtPlayPaletteGarland
ArtsyTransfers GarlandArtsyTransfersGarland
Holiday No. 1MultiMediaHolidayNo.1
Holiday No. 2MultiMediaHolidayNo.2
Holiday WordART Mix No. 4HolidayWordARTMixNo.4
Spackle Textured No. 5SpackleTexturedNo.5
FotoGlow Mix No. 1FotoGlowMixNo.1
MultiMedia Winter No. 2MultiMediaWinterNo.2
Photos: Mine
Fonts: CK Blue and Tom

Process Notes: I used the templates as is, using all the layers except on photo mask on the left side page, clipping the photos to the masks respectively. I duplicated the main left side photo, clipping those to the stains surrounding the main mask. I brought in solid paper 1, sliding it underneath the photos on the left, duplicating it and slipped it under the photos on the right side. With an layer mask, I removed the holly and verbiage on the duplicate and used an AnnaBlendz brush with a color from the paper, I covered up the area I had removed.

I recolored the stains under Maxwells photo, and recolored the flourishes on both pages taking the colors from the photos. Then bringing in artsy transfers, putting them under and over the left side main photo, adding another piece in the middle of the spread to connect the pages.

On the top and bottom photo stack on the right side page, I clipped glows to the street lights in the photos. Of course I resized them to fit better. I also added a glow on the left side main photo and under the word art I had also brought in. I gave it a bit of the shadow and clipped a piece of artsy transfer to it. I created the title, giving it a bit of bevel and emboss.

I used a spackle texture on the right side page below the main photo, recoloring and giving it a bevel and emboss. Adding the elements and journaling to both pages finished the spread.
Great photos and page! We're whining about the cold in the northeast too! Stay warm, have a cup of hot chocolate and curl up in a blanket with a good book!
Perfect page for the cold weather that has overtaken us, also. A mug of hot soup and a cozy fire is my answer to these bone chilling days. With Christmas just around the corner it is impossible not to have to leave the house and finish up all those last minute projects. Wonderful photos and I love your cat stretched out on the quilt in the bg.
I love the overall composition and the story, so glad you have the little kittie for company :-) I especially like the little cluster on the '4' and how the journaling is spread over the pages to lead you around
i don't have that problem, but a cozy kitty and warm soup are always a treat. love how you contrast the warmth and the coldness.

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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