

Make a wish

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Make a Wish {All in One Bundle - November 2016} http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Make-a-Wish-All-in-One-Bundle-November-2016.html
NBK Design

Used here: Make a Wish {Artsy Bits & Pieces},Make a Wish {artGraphics}, Make a Wish {Magic Lights}, Make a Wish {Paperset: Solids}, Make a Wish {Urban Masks}, Make a Wish {Word Arts}, Make a Wish {Bubblicious}

I gave the photo a color treatment and an artsy treatment with the Artistic filters in Photoshop. I clipped the photo to an urban mask. I placed the frame from the artgraphics and gave it some styles. I blended parts of the photo back in with a layermask. I placed the solid background paper. I added the artsy bits and pieces some were recolored. I placed the Wordart and recolored them. (I gave them multiple colors). I placed the element. I made a new layer above the solid paper layer and made a rough selection that I filled with white pixels. I gave it a Gaussian blur. I placed some magic lights (over the girls face). I merged the layers and sharpened the page.
Mijn god ik heb je uitleg gelezen en nog eens gelezen en gedacht, waarom kan ik dat niet ? Dit is weeral een plaatje dat ik heb opgeslagen om ook eens uit te proberen !

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