

Love joy hope and peace

  • Media owner margje
  • Date added
Be Merry and Be Bright MM papers, Artsy Bits&Pieces, Magic Lights ,PT Mixer Brushes, WA
All NBK Design

I started by making the photo more painterly by making some color enhancements, I also made the photo looking more painterly with the history brush and Artistic filters (Dry Brush)
I placed the photo in a new document. Over the photo came a MM paper Blending mode was set to Multiply.
On new layers for each brush I started layering brushes in with the PT Mixerbrushes! I do this to have more options in resizing and rotating the brush I even duplicated some of the layers and changed colors. I did some beautiful blond light strokes in the girls hair! Note that the brush toolsets (TPL files) can't be loaded into PSE! they can be only loaded into PS 5.5 and higher.
I added Magic Lights in different Blendmodes. This way I was able to give more light in the face! I added Artsy Bits & Pieces also in different Blendmodes. Note that I blended parts of them in by layermask! I placed some elements and the WA. I clipped the photo on the WA to get some lights in there too! I brushed some parts with color back in to make it readable enough! I placed the ornaments to create a visual triangle.
I merged the layers and duplicated the page! With the Curves Adjustmentlayer I created more contrast by changing the sliders to a soft S= more black and white. That gave the page a bit more drama. I blended the contrast in with a layermask. I merged the layers and gave the page a bit warmth with a photofilter at 8%.
Thank you so much Deborrah! So sweet of you to say! It warms my heart to get a comment like that!
Je verdient ook zoveel lovende woorden, je maakt er elke keer iets speciaals van !

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