

real life right-now

  • Media owner donnagoar
  • Date added
Ive used the FotoInspired Layered Templates often in the past and it was a happy accident years ago when the clipping and blending of Annas LT+ Artsy kits worked so perfectly together on the digital canvas. If you need to ignite your ART I highly recommend choosing a FotoInspired LT and a few Artsy kits and simply PLAYyou will be surprised and love the results.

Sometimes the most fearless thing we can do is keep showing up with love and grace and joy in our real right-now lives. sarah bessey
I was inspired by these beautiful and so true words to create this ART.

Kits by Anna Aspnes
FotoInspired Layered Templates
ArtPlay MiniPalette Opacus
Celebrate WordTransfers
Stitched by Anna White No. 10
Days 2Weeks
PinStriped Textures
ArtPlay Beautiful Day (frame)
ArtPlay Knowledge (brushes)
Distressed Edge Overlay No. 9

Page Process-

Paperie from AP Opacus were clipped to fotomasks of the FotoInspired LT
(Play around to see what sections of the paperie you want to showcase within the frame or fotomask) You can also use ArtsyKardz or ArtsyTransfers for this process as well.

Random brushes and transfers were added into the ART design with blending modes applied and the opacity tweaked. Transfers were randomly placed on the page and then ran thru the blending mode to see if any cool pops of color were created to add contrast and interest to the colors and design of the page. A few (ok, plenty) of brushes added just because they are cool.

A frame was placed at bottom of layers palette just above the background paper and resized to fit the edges of the LT. The darken blending mode was applied to create the lifted shadow

WordART and WordTransfers were scattered within the page design and a few elements were added. The Stitching anchors the page and adds some texture along the edges. Elements and WordART were chosen as it fit the emotions

When it feels right.its done!:)

Thanks for looking.donna
A Beautiful collage--thanks for the tip on how to create something akin to this. You have that magic touch!!
Your use of the stitches to "frame" it all is just a perfect touch to this collage.

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Anna Aspnes
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