I used a couple of challenges to practice on blending and some subtle brushwork, along with working on some word art. I loved the word art class Anna gave. Lots of ideas to try.
Photos: Terri Fullerton
Variety of subtle brushes from my collection of Anna's awesome brushes.
Unique shape: Maple leaf part of middle cluster and scatters with recolored plaid paper clipped to it.
Kit: Kristmess Designs & Connie Price Carpe Diem
Fonts: Mesquite Std Medium, Balqis Script, Bernard MT Condensed Regular, Baskerville Old Face Regular
Journaling: We camped along this beautiful river in Missouri. Harold wanted to go kayaking. We didnt have a drop off and pick up vehicle. That didnt stop him, he decided to kayak UP the river. He figured out how to get by the fast &/or shallow areas fairly quickly. My arms are too wimpy to paddle against the current. September 2016.