


  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
We saw this beauty at a rest area on the interstate. Someone really loves his art and the Grateful Dead!

Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Artsy (on sale September 21) Artplay Palette Artsy
MultiMedia Art 1 (on sale September 21) MultiMedia Art 1
Create WordART 1 (on sale September 21) Create WordART 1
WaterColor Drips 1 (on sale September 21) WaterColor Drips 1

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Urban Stitchez 11
Travel Template Album 2 (page 18: frames, fotoblendz) [url=http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Travel-Template-Album-No.-2.html] Travel Template Album 2

12x12 Artist Edges Overlays 6 12x12 Artist Edges Overlays 6

Travel Template Album 2 page 18 was opened and all layers were turned off except the frames and fotoblendz. A solid white paper from APP Artsy was used as the base of the page. The large image was clipped to the fotoblendz mask and the smaller images were clipped to the frame masks. MM Art 1 group 3, the paint box was layered under the frame photos. Just the artstrokes, stains and splatters were used. MM Art 1 group 5 was layered below the large fotoblendz, with the hinge swapped out for a brad. Watercolor drips were added along with some splatters and stiches. Embellishments and word art were added to complete the page.

Thank you for looking!
Fabulous, love the contrast of the brightly coloured photos against the neutral background, and how you have tied it all together with the triangle shape!

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Anna Aspnes
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