

Paint a picture

  • Media owner margje
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Artsale Artsy:
ArtPlay Palette Artsy http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Artsy.html
MultiMedia Art No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Art-No.-1.html
Dripped WaterColor No.1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Dripped-WaterColor-No.1.html
Create WordART No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Create-WordART-No.-1.html
All Anna Aspnes

I gave my photo a painterly look with the filters from Photoshop, the history brush, and I also used Topaz Impression 2.
I opened a new file and I placed the backgroundlayer.
I blended my photo in the backgroundlayer.
I placed the frames from APP Artsy and I clipped papers and transfers and brushes to them.
I placed some transfers and brushes on the photolayer.
I typed some text in a triangle shape.
I added the elements from MM Art no 1. I recolored some parts.
I placed some strokes.
I placed the title from Create WA 1.
I merged the layers.
I gave the page more vibrance and saturation with an adjustment layer.
I copied the page and I made that page black and white. I gave it a Curves adjustmentlayer to get more contrast.
With the help of a layermask I stamped with the Dripped WaterColor some color back in.
I sharpened the page a bit.
I gave the page a warm photo filter.
This is gorgeous! The photo treatment is perfect with the elements and papers. The colors and layout are just perfect, I love it!!

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Anna Aspnes
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