

Ballet Class

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
**24 hours only!**
Wednesday's Annaver5ary deal--a $5.00 Artplay Palette with a $5.00 coordinating ValuePack--
today featuring Sweet Pea
http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Anniver5ary-3-Sweet-Pea.html and http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Sweet-Pea.html

Notes for Photoshop Elements 14

I worked with many duplications of two photos here, using solid paper #1 as a base and sandwiching the photo duplicates among artsy papers #1, #5, and #6. The artsy papers are designed with blocks of color, and I was trying to use the lines of those blocks to create the sense of the interior of a dance studio, which I did by going crazy with blending modes and then layer masks, to eliminate some of the weirder interactions of the papers with each other and with the photos. The various blending modes also had the effect of knocking out the backgrounds of the photos, so I could blend out the edges quickly rather than labor over full extractions. I used the Kreased Transfers and spackle brushes to reinforce the lines of the papers, and then put in the beautiful multimedia hearts for embellishment.
Love this theme BALANCE - balett: my daughter doing well.
Wonderful dinamic colors, and blendings!
Beautiful! love the blending and the colors! Balance is so important in life!
Everything in life is balancing, I know so well, the beautiful colors are warm and strong, your blending is great, ballet is the art of focusing and balancing, a great page!
i, too, love the strong message that your vibrant colors and focused design tell.
Took me a minute to "see" the large blended photo on the right and it's such a great perspective adding to your page, LOVE it!
This is beautiful, dramatic and reminds me of my daughter's ballet classes! Love this!!

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Anna Aspnes
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