


  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Tangier (paper, strokes, singage) Artplay Palette Tangier
Artplay Palette Hummingbird (flower, staple) Artplay Palette Hummingbi
Artplay Palette Autumn Elegance (grass) Artplay Palette Autumn Elegance
Artplay Palette Tinge (artstroke, splatter) Artplay Palette Tinge
Artplay Palette Joyful (transfers, gold paint) Artplay Palette Joyful
Artplay Palette Find My Way 2 (overlay)
Artplay Palette Viaggio (overlay) [url=http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Viaggio.html] Artplay Palette Viaggio

Watercolor FotoBlendz 6 Watercolor FotoBlendz 6

A solid paper from APP Tangier was used as the base of the page. A watercolor action was run on the photo. The photo was duplicated and the poster edge filter was used to define the edges of the objects, with the blending mode changed to hard light. These layers were merged together. Several fotoblendz masks were placed on the photo (resizing, rotating them). The photo was then duplicated 3 more times and clipped to the individual fotoblendz masks. Several transfers were layered behind the photo. Embellishments, artstrokes, splatters and overlays were added to complete the page.

Thank you for looking!
I really like the pairing of the watercolor filter with the poster edge! Super composition, Miki!
wow this is awesome! I love the title it is so perfect for this photo, love the colors! love photo effect!
The orange is fun and I love how you blended with the kraft paper. So ARTSY!
You are the queen of making old and rusty look cool. Adore everything about this design.

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Anna Aspnes
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