


Autumn (left) and Sophia (right) have gown close over the years, now 17 and 15 years old respectively, but it wasnt always the case as this photo shows. It was a constant battle ground between them and I dont know how my daughter put up with it. And when Autumn got this face, she knew she was in trouble with Mom and Dad. Sophie had had enough of her sisters bullying and she was walking out of the picture. Everybody could just bugger off as far as she was concerned.

ArtPlay Palette CosmopolisArtPlayPaletteCosmopolis
Art WordART Mix No. 1ArtWordARTMixNo.1
TapedTextures No. 6TapedTexturesNo.6
Dripped Stains No. 1DrippedStainsNo.1
UrbanThreadz Flowers No. 1urbanThreadzFlowersNo.1
Fonts: Manhattan Darling and CK Bedrock
Photo: Jackie Houston Reed

Process Notes: I extracted the girls, turned the photo black and white and gave it a photo filter for good measure and moved it onto solid paper 2 and proceeded to build my layout from there. I liked this paper with all the messy scribbles on it. Life can be a little messy sometimes. Underneath the girls I placed a transfer in the upper left corner.

Adding the title, resizing and rotating, I clipped artsy paper 4, moving it until I got the placement I wanted. I gave the title a little bevel and emboss and a small drop shadow on the text layer. I clipped word art to the t in sister. Then adding the hashtag and the word hood, I used the what if blend on them to bring out the paper texture from beneath.

Adding more word art, brush and tape texture under the title, I placed the psd butterfly from the kit over the title. Underneath the butterfly I put a button and the flower thread, giving the button a drop shadow. I also added a drop shadow to the girls.

As Ive said before, I dont especially like doing extractions, but I love how they look. With the latest update in PS CC, doing extractions makes it a bit easier. It was the expressions of the girls that was important to me and I didnt want the background distracting from that and thats why I actually went to the trouble of doing the extraction in the first place. It was worth it and Ill probably be doing more of those in the future. So there you have it.
This takes me back to when my girls were young, a brilliant capture and I'm sure they will laugh at it when they are older! I love the composition and the figure extraction with the word art - quite inspired! :)

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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