


This is a composite of three photos my Granddaughter took while visiting her Aunt and cousins in Southern California during her spring break from school. San Juan Capistrano was one of the places they visited.

ArtPlay Palette Go SeeArtPlay PaletteGoSee
Dripped Stains No. 1DrippedStainsNo.1
Dripped Stains No. 6 (Retired)
WarmGlows No. 1WarmGlowsNo.1
WarmGlows No. 7WarmGlowsNo.7
ArtPlay Palette PortiereArtPayPalettePortiere Crack
MultiMedia Birds No. 1MultiMediaBirdsNo.1
Take Flight No. 1TakeFlightNo.1
Remember WordART Mix No. 1RememberWordARTMixNo.1
Fonts: Edwardian Script, Beyond Wonderland and Bookman Old Style
Photos: Sophia Reed

Process Notes: After opening a new 12 x 12 file, I placed the first photo of the wall with the alcoves on the background resizing and positioning. Over the photo in the layers panel I used solid paper 4 from the Go See kit, blending to Color Burn at 40% opacity.

Over those layers I added the bells photo along the bottom of the page and using several adjustment layers, and brushing away the harsh top edge using a layer mask, then blending to Color Burn at 100% opacity. I had run the photo through an artistic action.

Adding the waterlily photo to the left edge of the page and using a reverse mask, I brushed a part of the photo into the composition setting it to Pin Light at 57% opacity. I duplicated the photo, putting it on Screen and 16% opacity. I added some stains to it.

From there, I added most of the transfers from the palette on different parts of the page, blending and adjusting the opacity to each.

Typing out the title on the page, I grunged it up with stains and blending modes after resizing and positioning along the left side. I duplicated the title placing it on the opposite side of the page and reducing the size and using a different font. I placed the year the mission was established within the r of the main title, blending and reducing the opacity.

I used several glows over different parts of the page, also blending and adjusting the opacity of each. I also added the crack in the background photo.

I made a composite copy of all those layers by pressing CMD+SHIFT+OPT+ E and blended it to Color Burn at 15% opacity.

Over the composite I added the birds, more glows and blending them, and word art along the upper right edge of the page, recoloring and blending also. That completes this layout.
If I were just forming a music group, I'd name us "Capistrano" just so I could use this gorgeous creation as our album cover!
awesome merging of photos, love the birds! gorgeous page with all the texture and deep rich colors!
This is terrific compositing, and the combination of darks and brights is really intriguing. Awesome use of the word art, too, because to me it comes off as architectural as well as being a word that gives us info.
What a great blending and colors, really fantastic, the different photo's you've created on one page is so great, I love it!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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