


Summer ValuePack No. 1SummerValuePackNo.1
WildFlowers No. 1WildFlowersNo.1
UrbanThreadz No 10UrbanThreadzNo.10
ChevronTextures No. 1ChevronTexturesNo.1
Font: DJB Scruffy Angel[url=

Process Notes: Starting with artsy paper 2 from the Summer Breeze Palette in the Value Pack, I stamped the large butterfly, duplicating it. The first butterfly is green at 58% opacity and the top butterfly is teal on Darken blend mode and 100% opacity. With the arrow keys I moved the green butterfly down and to the right a little bit. I clipped the word transfers to the teal butterfly.

After placing the frame and mask, I clipped paper, overlays and added the wildflower stamp. The quote was added over those layers.

Underneath the frame I stamped another butterfly, taking the color from the paper. Over the frame I added the threads, flower and button, giving a shadow to the latter two.

I placed the scribble sun and using the flower brush from the same palette, I scattered some at the bottom right corner.

At the top of the layers panel I added the Scripttease Overlay and clipping a gradient layer to it, I recolored the overlay using colors from the paper. And that completes this page.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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