

Smallest Step

Quote: Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. QuoteReel.com

AnnaRelease 14 June 2013AnnaRelease14June2013 On Sale this Week
ArtPlay Palette Skys the LimitArtPlayPaletteSky'sTheLimit
ArtsyTransfers Skys the LimitArtsyTransfersSky'sTheLimit
Stars No. 1StarsNo.1
ArtsyPaint No. 4ArtsyPaintNo.4
Skys The Limity WordART No. 1Sky'sTheLimitWordARTno.1
ButtonThreadz No. 2ButtonThreadzNo.2
UrbanThreadz No. 10UrbanThreadzNo.10
CoolGlows No. 1CoolglowsNo.1
Font: Torquay
Photo: Public Domain

Process Notes: My inspiration for this layout was the quote and thats what I started with after opening a new canvas. I wanted it big. I brought in 4 paint masks and arranged and resized them. I moved in the b/w photo and duplicated it three more times, one for each paint mask and clipped them to their respective masks, having enlarged it to make the feet the focal point.

I brought in the sky paper underneath the quote and photos and got to work from there. I think I used every artsy transfer psd, if not every layer from them. It was kind of a Jackson Pollack moment, throwing them on the page to see what happened, finessing them along the way with blending, resizing and moving them around and over and under the photos, until I was happy with it.

The more specific things I did was clip various transfers to the quote and word art. I brought in the star brushes, recoloring all of them to white. I wanted the color palette to be very tight.

I went back to work on the photos. I wanted the right side of the photo to fade away, so I clipped a solid color adjustment layer to the photo, taking a blue from the palette and turning down the opacity to 61%. I also put the mask of that layer to Color Burn, leaving it at 100% opacity. I put a couple of the other paint masks on Overlay.

Duplicating the quote, I resized it and put it along the right edge of the page, coloring it from the palette; I hid the word art at the top right in the clouds and along the left edge under the quote.

I placed the flower, butterfly and threads. Using a glow, I placed it at the feet of the dancers and blended it to Overlay at 58% opacity. And there you have it, may finished layout.
This is gorgeous! I could look at it for hours and discover new things, I love it! I love the quote, the color pallete and the movement in the layout! Thanks for sharing your process!
Very cool focal point (and fade), and I love your color palette as well as the spaciousness of the composition. "Big" was definitely the way to go with this. So much to appreciate here!
I FEEL the movement and freedom in my feet as I admire this masterpiece! Splendid design work, Barbara!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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