

Hawaii or Bust

The photo of my Granddaughters is a reflection of them on the rental car hood in Hawaii and I liked they were upside down. There was a palm tree trunk growing out of Sophias head and I brushed it out. Nobody living has a palm tree growing out of their head.

ArtPlay Palette SwellArtPlayPaletteSwell
ArtsyTransfers SwellArtsyTransfersSwell
Beach WordART Mix No. 1BeachWordARTMixNo.1
Oasis No. 2OassNo.2
MultiMedia Suns No. 2MultMediaSunsNo.2
Postmarked No. 1PostmarkedNo.1
ButtonThreadz No. 2ButtonThreadzNo.2
Taped Textures No. 1TapedTexturesNo.1
ArtsyLayered Template No. 219ArtsyLayeredTemplateNo.219
TissueTextures No. 6TissueTextuesNo.6
Photo: Jackie Houston Reed
Fonts: Hello Sunshine and Jenna Sue Regular

Process Notes: Starting with solid paper 5 I placed the photo of Autumn and Sophia in the upper right corner and duplicated two more times. Using the blend modes all on 100% opacity are: first layer Normal, second layer Screen and third layer Soft Light. They did not come home this white.

Using the grass umbrellas brushes from Oasis, I placed a couple of those on the page recoloring them a deeper blue of the background. Next I placed the flower brush from the same Oasis brushes and recolored it a pink from Sophias top.

Then I started working with the ArtsyTransfers, placing them over the page. The more transparent transfers I used a Bevel and Emboss and Brightness/Contrast layers to bring out the textures even more. All this depends on your own layout and how the adjustments work with the underlying layers in your panel. I just love playing around with the psd transfers, breaking up the layers in them and using them to their full advantage. Thats the beauty of working with them.

Using the glows from MultiMedia Suns 2, I placed one under the photo leaving it at Normal at 100% opacity, another at the left edge over the umbrella brush, Normal 40% opacity, and behind the large umbrella brush, blending it to Pin Light at 100% opacity.

With the title I clipped a Gradient adjustment layer, used a style to make them a sticker and adjusting the stroke to my liking.

It was time to add the elements to the page. Using a frame from the ArtsyLayered Templet listed, I clipped the palm tree photo, added my journaling, button and thread. Finally adding the shells, word art, which was blended to Multiply and opacity of 41%.

Its so important to play around with Annas supplies, adjusting blending and opacity because youll never know what happy accidents happen that will bring out an added aspect of your layout that will surprise you. Thats the beauty of Photoshop/Elements, nothing is carved in stone, you can easily redo it if you dont like it.
Of course I love your explanations....fantastic page....I'm sure it will inspire me as my children gave me plenty photos of their hawaiien trip....
This is fun and creative. The other palms on the page are so much better.
Looks like they are having a glorious time and based upon their smiles quite the journey!!Love the textures and blending and I agree,it is all a great big experiment with Anna's products!!
Great page and blending, the colors are beautiful, I love that you've turn the photo up side down, very creative!
Love taking photos of reflections! This is beautiful, wonderful color!
Unexpected perspective and it works so well on this page. Luscious colors, too. I agree about the experimenting--I'm always surprised at the large part serendipity plays.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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