

What We See

Ive loved this profound quote for years and thought it was appropriate to use it with this photo of bottles I have sitting on my window sill made out of cheap glass that distorts everything when you look through them.

AnnaRelease 7 June 2013AnnaRelease7June2013 On Sale This Week
ArtPlay Palette This Is LifeArtPlayPaletteThisIsLife
ScriptTease Life Frames No. 1ScriptTeaseLifeFramesNo.1
MultiMedia Frames No. 3MultiMediaFramesNo.3
ArtsyTransfers This Is LifeArtsyTransfersThisIsLife
Life WordART No. 5LifeWordARTNO.5
FotoBlendz Overlays No. 2FotoBlendzOverlaysNo.2
ButtonThreadz No. 1ButtonThreadzNo.1
Photo: Mine
Font: The Sophia Regular

Process Notes: Solid paper 3 as my foundation, I brought in my photo and duplicated it two more times after resizing and positioning. Underneath each copy of the photo in the layers panel, I placed, resized, rotated and positioned the fotoblendz to feature the size of each bottle and clipping the photos to the masks. All the masks were set to Color Burn blend mode at 100% opacity.

Under the photo layers I placed the circles transfer in the upper right corner, duplicated and resized it and placed it below the left corner of the photo, both on Multiply with lowered opacity. Using transfer 12 at the left side of the page and placed transfer 5 over it and the photo layers, both on Normal blend mode at 100% opacity.

I added a brush from the Palette on the right edge and recolored it using a color from the blended photo and added a texture overlay.

I put the MM frame under the transfers and photo after rotating it and resizing. I gave it a tiny bevel and emboss and added teeny shadow to it. The script tease frame was underneath, recoloring it and blurring it with gaussian blur . I also added a couple brushes to the photo, but beneath it in the layers panel, having them peeking through. Adding another brush from the Palette at the top of the frame and tape and using bevel and emboss to make it look like perforated holes.

I added the scribble overlays over the photos and frames twice, resizing and rotating. I placed the tapes from the MM frame over these layers, using brightness/contrast adjustment layer on them.

From there I added the word art and quote, button and button thread and called it finished.
Love the quote! So true. This is the perfect ARTSY page with the quote. Love the reflections in the glass.
Loving your lines around the photo, and it's a perfect photo for the quote...the rich jewel tones add such depth. I'm also liking the colored text--usually I stay with black or gray but find I am inching toward your colorful way with words.
This is gorgeous, the photo treatment is great, I love the bottles, great how you've framed the photo, I also love the texture and the button with stitches!
Yes,yes... one of my favorites of your beautiful art... Love the transfer placement,the colors,well just about all of it!!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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