
Wedge Mountain

Wedge Mountain

ArtPlay Palette WonderfulAnnaRelease28March2014 On Sale
ArtsyTransfers Spring DueArtsyTransfersSpringDue
ArtsyClocks No. 4ArtsyClocksNo.4
Journey WordTransfers No. 1JourneyWordTransfeersNo.1
Melange FotoBlendz No. 1MelangeFotoBlendzNo.1
LightLeaks No. 3LightLeaksNO.3
Trees No. 1ReesNo.1
ButtonThreadz No. 1ButtonThreadzNo.1
ArtPlay Vitality WordLabels (Retired)
UrbanStitchez No. 6UrbanStitchezNo.6
UrbanThreadz Flowers No. 1UrbanThreadzFlowersNo.1
Notebook No. 1NoteBookNo.1
ArtPLay Palette GlacialArtPlayPaletteGlacial
Photo of Wedge Mountain taken with my iPhone
Fonts: Decadence, Hello Sunshine and American Typewriter

Process Notes: Using solid paper 5 from the Wonderful palette I placed the Melange FotoBlendz, clipped and resized my photo to the orientation I wanted. I duplicated the photo and used the Poster Edges filter. I placed the LightLeak over the photo and duplicated it and moved it over to the right, blending both to Color Burn.

I used ArtsyTransfers Spring Due 1 and 2 to surround my photo. After opening the transfers, I moved each piece over and under my photo, resizing and blending and changing the opacity. All this is very subjective and takes some playing around. I used all the pieces, except for one and duplicated a couple of others.

On the right side I used a couple of transfers from Wonderful and blended those into the background using Overlay.

I created the title using Decadence and Hello Sunshine fonts, and copy and pasted my journaling into a textbox, using American Typewriter font.

From there, I got the elements I wanted and placed those on the page. The flower threadz and the button from Wonderful and adding the button threadz on top. I placed the tree and blended it with Linear Burn at 65% opacity. Placed the word art, notebook lines and clock face, blending them and added the pine branch and cone from APP Glacial. That completes my page.
Journaling: Its spring and the weather is warm and we turn our faces to the sun, soaking up the vitamin D, lulling us into a false security. Anxious for the last of the snow to melt in the dark, shady corners of our yards and itching to start planting our gardens, visualizing the bounty of colors. But the old-timers warn to hold off until all the snow is melted from Wedge Mountain, or you will be sorry. They are right. For those folks that poo-poo such sage advise, live to rue the day they didnt pay attention, loosing all their tender plants when a killing frost hits. And it always does. Only the most hardy plants survive. Oh, but its so difficult to hold back when the nurseries are full of pretty little flowers begging to be taken home. The mountain is visible from anywhere in town, and its still heavy with snow, so watch and wait we must. Patience . . .
Love the mix of sketch,texture,stitchez and placement of journaling that you used to complete this beautiful crisp image!!
lovely words and composition, the transfers and elements add so much interest all around the page!
Oh and awesome title work!!
I almost feel like I am sitting around a campfire listening to you tell a legendary story. Gorgeous work with the photo treatment, blending, et al. Love the little "take your time" warning!
Charming in all parts. Love especially the bright colours and your journalling.
Beautiful photo. Your journaling makes it even more impressive. I love a good read! Very cool title work, too. It fits the mountain perfectly.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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