

Take Note

The Quote reads: At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.

ArtPlay Palette BaskArtPlayBask
ArchiTextures No. 4ArchiTexturesNo.4
LightLeaks No. 3LightLeaksNo.3
DifferentStrokes No. 1 (Retired)
DifferentStrokes No. 9DifferentStrokeNo.9
WarmGlows No. 1WarmGlowsNo.1
MultiMedia Suns No. 1MultiMediaSunsNo.1
SkribbleSun No. 1SkribbleSunNo.1
See WordART No. 1SeeWordARTNo.1
ArtPlay Palette InclementArtPlayPaletteInclement Butterfly
Photo: Internet
Quote: Pinterest
Font: Arial Regular

Process Notes: After blending Bask Artsy Papers 1 and 5 I placed the photo and used the gradient tool fitting it into the border on the paper. The first photo layer is on Normal blend mode at 100% opacity, second photo layer is Vivid Light and 77% opacity, and the third photo layer I used the Stamp filter and Color Burn blend mode at 58% opacity. Over the photo layers I put LightLeaks No. 3 with Multiply blend at 39% opacity, which gave a little richness. I also gave the photo a wee bit of bevel and emboss with texture to gave it a bit of roughness.

Using a transfer from the Bask Palette, putting it under the photo in the layers panel but coming up from the photo top touching the right edge. Its on Linear Burn at 100% opacity. Over the transfer I stamped the chevron brush from the Palette. Peaking out from under the photo is the Dried Flower element with a Color Burn blend mode at 100% opacity.

On the left side of the page I placed another transfer from the Bask Palette leaving it at Normal and 100% opacity. Over that I put a black splat from Different Strokes 1.

Working on the sun next, I used the Bask sun, placed the MM Sun over it with Linear Burn at 100% opacity. Over the MM Sun I used a scribble from Different Strokes 2, topping it off with Skribble Sun No. 1.

Under the sun I stamped from Different Strokes No. 1 an art stroke and coloring it white, and a black splat from Different Strokes No. 9 onto the brick wall of the photo.

I placed the ArchiTexture No. 4 under the transfer on the left side and gave it a wee bit of bevel and emboss with Color Burn at 100% opacity.

Added the word art then typed out the quote under the photo.

After placing the Butterfly from APP Inclement I placed the WarmGlows under it and put it on Linear Light at 84% opacity. I think that just about covers it for this layout.
Wouw. Takes my breath away :0
Love the warm vibrant colorpalette
and the use of the quote.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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