ArtPlay Palette Easter Chicks by Anna Aspnes
MultiMedia Chicks No. 1 by Anna Aspnes
Flutterby FotoBlendz No. 3 by Anna Aspnes
WarmGlows No. 1 by Anna Aspnes
WordART Easter No. 1 by Anna Aspnes
Easter Bunny Transfers by Anna Aspnes
Bunny Rabbit Silhouettes by Anna Aspnes
ArchiTextures No 5 by Anna Aspnes
Process: I started with an artsy paper from ArtPlay Palette Easter Chicks. I duplicated it and the copy was set to blend mode Linear Burn. I placed textures from ArchiTextures No 5, a transfer from ArtPlay Palette Easter Chicks and a fotoblendz from Flutterby FotoBlendz No. 3. I placed my photo above the fotoblendz and the frame from ArtPlay Palette Easter Chicks over that one. I used an inverted mask and erased parts of the photo. The resolution was low in my photo so I sharpened it with the High Pass filter on a copy. I added chicks and other elements from MultiMedia Chicks No. 1 and Easter Bunny Transfers. The circle behind the photo was duplicated and both were set to blend mode Linear Burn. I also placed a rabbit from Bunny Rabbit Silhouettes to the left of the page. Then I added the glows from WarmGlows No. 1. A wordart from WordART Easter No. 1 was duplicated and placed to the left and then I finished the page with the title.