


  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Mountain High (paper) Artplay Palette Mountain High
Artplay Palette Viaggio (border) Artplay Palette Viaggio
Artplay Palette Across the Miles (splatter) Artplay Palette Across the Miles
Artplay Palette Easter Chick (transfer) Artplay Palette Easter Chick
Artplay Palette Savor (button, label word) Artplay Palette Savor
Artplay Palette ANew (button) Artplay Palette ANew
Artplay Palette Daffodil (ribbon) Artplay Palette Daffodil
Artplay Palette Euphoria (overlay) Artplay Palette Euphoria
Artsy Transfers Chatter (splatter) Artsy Transfers Chatter
Artsy Transfers Anything (splatter) Artsy Transfers Anything
Sojourn WordArt Mix 1 Sojourn WordArt Mix 1
Chevron Textures 1 Chevron Textures 1
Skribble Blooms 1 Skribble Blooms 1
Watercolor FotoBlendz 6 Watercolor FotoBlendz 6
Plastic AlphaNumber Set 1 Plastic AlphaNumber Set 1
gold hex code: c5b358

A solid paper with a subtle texture from APP Mountain High was selected for the background of the page. Using the shape tool, a hexagon and a circle were drawn. The layers were merged and duplicated several times to create the pattern. The photo was clipped to a watercolor fotoblendz mask, duplicated with the blending mode changed to hard light (reduced opacity). A photo of the bee was converted to black and white, extracted and sketch drawing was made using the phone app PicsArt. Letters from the Gold AlphaNumber Set were clipped to the bee (blending mode changed to color burn) to given it burned golden color. Chevron Textures were stamped on to give a bit of texture and depth. Splatters, transfers, brushes, word art and embellishments were added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking!
It's summertime! What a great pattern you created with the shape tool and how about those bees! I love the sketched flower and buttons in the mix. Fabulous page as usual.
Beautiful Miki, love the pattern you created with the hexagonal and circle!!
Great color and blending of the flowers! Love the bees and pattern you created.

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Anna Aspnes
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