


Playing around with my pen and tablet after taking Annas PenPlay Class using the mini palette she provided. The class was an eye opener and fun and I highly recommend it when she offers it again. With the pen and tablet you can accomplish nuances you cant do with the mouse and kick your art up a notch or two, which is always fun.

ArtPlay Mini Palette Bookish (from PenPLAY Class supplies)
FramedMasks No. 2FramedMasksNo.2
DifferentStrokes No. 9DifferentStrokesNo.9
ArtPlay Palette FamilyArtPlayPaletteFamily
Dripped Stains No. 1DrippedStainsNo.1
Dripped Stains No. 6 (Retired)
ArtPlay Bask BrushSetArtPlayBaskBrushSet
Journey WordTransfers No. 1JourneyWordTransfersNo.1
NoteBook No. 1NoteBookNo.1
MultiMedia Suns No. 1MultiMediaSunsNo.1
UrbanThreadz No. 6UrbanThreadzNo.6
UrbanThreadz No. 8UrbanThreadzNo.8
Photo taken with my iPhone of my granddaughter Sophia Christmas 2014
Fonts: Hooverville Regular and Traveling Typewriter

Process Notes: Using an artsy paper from the mini palette as my base of operations, I used one of the framed masks and clipped my black and white photo. Over the photo I clipped a transfer from the mini palette and set it to Overlay at 100% opacity which gave the photo a high key look.

Underneath the framed mask I stamped masks from Different Strokes No. 9 and clipped a solid paper from the mini palette and a paper from APP Family to the top mask, putting it on Multiply at 100% opacity.

Below the photo I placed an overlay from the mini palette and created my title for the page. I rotated the title, resized it to fit along the edge and height of the layout and blended it to Overlay at 100% opacity,

Then I started staining around and on the photo with the various brushes using the blue and peaches from the palette. Some were left at Normal blend mode and others set to Color Burn, experimenting around, deciding what I liked best. Just playing. I also lightly colored Sophias scarf on a layer above the photo and set it to Color Burn at 100% opacity.

To finish it off, I used the MultiMedia Sun and Threadz. Viola!
Looks like some great "notches!!!" Love the richness of this. Wonderful placement of the title.
I didn't realize this was a B&W photo until I read your notes. It's such a great page!
What a beautiful page! And I agree i couldn't do without my pen and tablet!
This looks great--multi-layered and intense, while still allowing the focal point to remain very clear. I can only imagine what a change it must be to work with a pen. This piece is definitely kicking up the notches!
Love the bold colors and the gorgeous photo effect. I can feel the emotion of the page and makes me want to know more about what's in her mind as she reads!
i like what you've done with the title and the paintwork that leads from there to the photo. how did you use the pen with this page?
Well Adryane, I loved the control I had with the brushes using the pen pressure and coloring in Sophia's scarf just a touch. I could never have done this with just the mouse.

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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