
Anna Color Challenge - Cameras not Guns

Anna Color Challenge - Cameras not Guns

APP Wilderness 2 papiers
APP Wander burlap papier blended
APP Wild transfer

Various transfers, brushes and elements from these 3 Play Palettes were overlaid and blended multiple times.

APP Remember camera
Elephant extracted from internet download
Great take on the lift, your background with texture is beautiful like your blending, I love the photo of the elephant!
Love the dramatic deep colors and the contrast here is wonderful! I support your statement!
I like the browns and teal combination and how the draping over the elephant resembles the message of protection. Beautiful.
I think this quote should be extended ... and even though the NRA would probably have something to say --- I would like to use cameras over guns every time. When will we stop. There was an old folk song (Where Have all the Flowers Gone) that kept asking, "when will we ever learn; oh, when will we ever learn." Strong and beautiful LO
strong and beautiful. i agree with your message. i am always amazed at the harm people will do in the name of sport. love that most of the page is the dark brown but there is some hope in the sliver of sky above.
Aaaaah this is an Indian elephant - often overlooked by the world. Indian elephants not only get their tusks cut (rather than puller out) but are kept as tourist charmers / money makers all over south east Asia and Indian sub-continent. They are literally tortured so they can do stunts for tourists or the mahout (owner) cuts a leg off so they can get money from tourists - so people often think the African elephant is badly treated but in fact it's the Asian elephant (by the way an entirely different species!) who suffers the most at the hands of the shocking animal cruelty Asians...................lucky me I am going with my boys to a sanctuary in Thailand run by a Dutch guy. No riding and certainly no shows. Just love, play and a good scrub in the river!! We bought some of those giant yoga balls for them to play with. I have also had many encounters with the African elephant - a magnificent beast and followed Echo of the Elephants in Amboselli (Kenya) - it's a great BBC book if you ever get the chance. They truly are wonderful animals and have such great personalities. Like the rhino, just for one tiny piece of them, they are left to die. Who buys this stuff? They are the ones who should be blamed.
I chose this for today's standout: Fans of Anna Aspnes' Digital Art!https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnnaArtFans/

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