
MiniO Challenge_02-22-16_Smiling Through the Tears

MiniO Challenge_02-22-16_Smiling Through the Tears

All NBK's Alessio Kit:
1. Paper-05
2. Papers-pattern-08
3. artsybits03
4. artOVERLAYS-05
5. ABP-artsybits01
6. ABP artsybits01
7. ABP artsybits04

Journaling (At first, I wasn't going to copy out the journaling, but maybe it will do someone some good, so here it is. Some of you may remember that several months ago I created a couple of layouts about bullying. This is an on-going issue, and it is spelled out in the journaling, for better or for worse. Besides ignoring her, the girls leave nasty notes tucked into their front door, as well as other mean things.):

So hard to believe this sweet little 10-year-old is the victim of persecution. But it is true. Her family does not attend the church that the overwhelming majority in her neighborhood and school do. So the girls in her class and neighborhood ignore Avery because she is not one of "them." The girls were friendly when the Bouchers first moved in, but now they walk past her, even when she says "hi," as if she weren't there. This is extra sad because Avery is such a social little thing. She yearns for girlfriends.It seems the world will never know the end of religious persecution, but what a shame it has to begin at such a young age. Her own faith, and the prayers of those who love Avery, sustain her.
My heart breaks for her. I wish we could solve this problem for all little girls. Thank you for sharing this with us. I'll be praying for her and her family.
Beautiful page! Heartwarming journaling! Wish we could solve this kind of problems too!
Anger-making. And in the name of God? How this sort of self-righteous behavior is tolerable to the adults in the picture is mind-boggling. So many injustices are perpetrated in the name of the "right" God...it's heartbreaking that your grand-D has to experience this.
very beautiful page, but the story is so sad. I dont know why people cant accept one another. They make people sad and more for nothing.

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