

The Irish Pub

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Savor (paper, transfers,artstrokes, buttons) (on sale March 2) Artplay Palette Savor
ScriptTease Life Overlays 1 (on sale March 2) ScriptTease Life Overlays 1
Enjoy WordMix 1 (on sale March 2) Enjoy WordMix 1
Stained Glows 1 (on sale March 2) Stained Glows 1
Artplay Palette Across the Miles (splatter) Artplay Palette Across the Miles
Artplay Palette Epic (transfer) Artplay Palette Epic
Artsy Transfers Chatter (splatter) Artsy Transfers Chatter
Artsy Transfers Love Letters (splatter) Artsy Transfers Love Letters
Urban Stitches 5 Urban Stitches 5
Urban Stitches 11 Urban Stitches 11
Framed Masks 2 (mask) Framed Masks 2
Travel WordArt 3 Travel WordArt 3
Taped Dotty Polkas 1 Taped Dotty Polkas 1[/ur]
FotoGlows 5 [url=http://www.oscraps.com/shop/FotoGlows-No.-5.html] FotoGlows 5

A solid paper from APP Savor was used as the base. Transfers from the kit were horizontally lined across the page. The photo was clipped to a mask (blending mode changed to hard light) from Framed Masks 2, duplicated (blending mode changed to hard light). A foto glow was placed between the 2 images (blending mode normal) to lighten the darker areas. A ScriptTease Life Overlay was added, blending mode changed to soft light and duplicated. The shamrocks were made using the shape tool with a green transfer clipped to it and a custom shadow behind it. More transfers, artstrokes and splatters were layered around the page. Word art, stitchez, and embellishments were added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking!
Wonderful design and colors! It would be fun to go there, even if I'm not a cousin.
Love the photo treatment. This reminds me of a TV series we used to love: Ballykissangel. Wonderful page.
great colours- how nice that the pub is still run by family- be it a distant one.
Great design and colors, everything so perfect, I love it! I would walk in to see it's a cozy pub!
You will go,I just know it... be sure to take a lot of wonderful photos and tip a couple with your relatives!! Great page,I always love architectural facades,so much to see.

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Anna Aspnes
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