

Winter Robins

  • Media owner lkdavis
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes

Artsy Transfers Neige (coming soon)
ArtPlay Palette Neige ArtPlay Palette Neige
MultiMedia Birds No. 1 MultiMedia Birds No. 1
ButtonThreadz No. 1 ButtonThreadz No. 1

Process: This is an iPhone photo of four robins sitting in a tree as I was going into Costco. I extracted the gray blue sky from the photo and gave the branches a small shadow. Then I created a background for the tree branches with the new artsy transfers and APP Neige. Below the transfers I placed solid paper_3 from APP Neige, resized to match the dimensions of my photo. I placed just the birds from MMBirds1_3 behind the tree but above the transfers. I gave my piece of art a double matte. Finally, I added the title, the date and my signature. I think this photo is much more artsy now than what I saw in the Costco parking lot:)

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Anna Aspnes
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