

the silence is beautiful

  • Media owner donnagoar
  • Date added
A little ART therapy brush work with a winter farm field photo and new AnnaRelease. Im always excited every week to open the brushes and transfers in the new AP to see what cool pieces await inside those folders..it makes me happy to sit down after a long work week to play and watch what unfolds on the canvas.
Kits by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Glacial
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 6
MultiMedia Winter (psd form makes these so versatile!)
Winter WordART Mix
Distressed Edge Overlay No. 9

Page Process-
The AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 6 were randomly layered up and all layers were merged together to create the fotoblendz to which the photo was clipped (select all the AnnaBlendz Artsy layers in the layers panel/left click and from the drop down menu select merge layers.now one layer appears as the new clipping mask.) The photo was clipped to the newly created fotoblendz and all layers were resized and repositioned. The photo was also duplicated and the screen blending mode was applied to the top photo layer with the opacity adjusted.

Transfers were clipped to brushes and WordART and scattered across the page which included on top of the photo. These layers of brushes and transfers were duplicated and rotated to build up the areas of the snow scene. They were blended to create a feel of textures, yet softness.
The frame was placed at the bottom of the layers panel and the darker color blending mode was applied and the shadow was tweaked with the opacity adjuster.

The MultiMedia Winter kit comes as a psd which means you can pick and choose what you wish to add to your page. The UrbanStitches were blended into the ART scene using the soft light; blending mode.

Blending modes allow so many pieces to be softly and subtly incorporated into your ART design. Maybe only you can recognize they are there which is just fine because its truly all the layers built up working together that create the cool final result that simply feels right when you sit back and view what came together on the blank canvas.

original photo from the internet
thanks for lookingdonna
Lovely! YOur brush work is just so right for this gorgeous winter photo. Love that aqua color and the almost invisible framing and the white stitchez that you added.
Beautiful! Love your blending and subtle framing. The snow (overlay?) is wonderful.
Gorgeous, Donna, love the snowy softness!! If I'm understanding this correctly, you made the snow on the photo out of the Artsy 6 brushes?
what a marvelous scene! love the picture and the way it's 'framed' also love the overall softness and quiet :-) I agree it is the subtle touches which make the artwork special...lovely!
Absolutely love this! Into my favorites so I can read your tutorial when I try to do something similar.
Your blending always takes my breath away. You are right, sometimes it's only you who knows a subtle there, but that's okay because it makes a difference to the whole. We don't notice every brush stroke of a master painter, but the whole makes it what it is. That's a great photo, by the way.

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Anna Aspnes
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