Brimming Artplay Palette:
Brimming Artsy Transfers 3 & 5:
12x12PageFotoblendz No. 9:
Chevron paper in backgroundSun Fun Artplay Palette:
I often use Artsy Transfers to alter my photos quickly and that is what I did here, pulling the layers over and under the large photo of the squirrel. The frame is made from two layersthe first blended on color burn and the second on overlay. I also used Artsy Transfers to alter the small photo. After the photos were in place, I moved the artstroke into position, added the text down the middle, and did the background, which is layered up from two papers: a tealish solid from the Brimming Artplay Palette and a chevron paper set to color burn and reduced in opacity to 50%. Lastly, I added myself, from 1958, attaching the photo to the Fotoblendz, resizing it, and then reducing the opacity to 34%. Although I usually leave embellishments until last, for this design I was randomly throwing them in (and taking them out) like lightning as I went along.